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Rural Experiences in Akiyamago

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Bokushi Suzuki visited the Akiyama region in 1818 and was charmed by this mountainous region. He wrote about his travels there in “Akiyama Kiko”. It still has that beguiling affect on people today and is one of the top 100 backcountry regions in Japan.

It is a beautiful region throughout the year. We’ve mentioned the Akiyamago Driving Course before, and have also noted how pretty it is during the new greenery of spring, and the changing colors of fall. It really comes into its own in winter though, and for those looking for a true snow experience Akiyamago will deliver. It is deep in the mountains and the way of life there is far removed from what many people experience of snow and winter in a ski resort town.

This video from captures some of the atmosphere, experiences, and the warmth of the locals that you will find if you venture into the real mountain area of Akiyamago in winter.

More information on the Akiyamago area on this pdf from the Tsunan Tourist Office.

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